вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

falken ziex ze 512 tires

Congrats to Dr Krugman on winning the Nobel Prize for Economics.

The credit spreads still are horrible, but it looks like the UK and the EU are doing the right thing and Paulson may be doing it as well (good thing the EU is leading on this one cause our leaders arenapos;t all that bright) . I am a little afraid about where all this money is coming from - Iapos;ve been reading on how the treasury here is doing it - and my head is spinning.

The other fact that has me swimming is that our debt will be 12 of GDP next year. Thatapos;s insane. Almost half of that is from W. If you add Reagan and Bush I, you get something like 70 of that debt coming from Reaganomics and the GOP. Fiscal conservatives my butt.

Anyway, Iapos;m still not sure if Iapos;m ready to jump in as this feels like a fools rally - but weapos;ll see. At the worst, it canapos;t hurt me too much more - right? Mental note, do not read more on the long depression...or look at how the NASDAQ reacted to the dot com bust. Iapos;ll still get back into monthly purchasing either this week or right after the election. After the election is the safer time as weapos;ll know Obama has won - and hopefully by a lot. I want a real mandate this time.

Iapos;m getting the stove looked at tomorrow - hopefully fixed. Frigidaireapos;s customer support is actually impressing me - the call center was terrible but an email I sent found its way directly to their main center in Georgia and it got results. This gives me faith. Dellapos;s will be by tomorrow between 2 and 4 (thanks for the tip on the other service people H but Iapos;ve dealt with Dellapos;s about 10 years ago and had good memories - plus they are 1.5 blocks away) so hopefully Iapos;ll have my stove operable by then.

ford starter replacement, falken ziex ze 512 tires.

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