понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

engine four stroke works

I want Dan to come home so bad. More than anything in the world, right this minute.

Weapos;re still waiting to find out the exact day heapos;ll be leaving, but it could be very soon. It could be this week. It could even be tomorrow, we just donapos;t know, and not knowing is driving me nuts, because I obviously have my hopes up that itapos;ll be tomorrow, and it might or it might not be.

I will be crushed if after all of this it ends up being a couple more weeks or something. Part of me wants to backspace that sentance, just for acknowledging the possibility, because I donapos;t know what Iapos;d do if that happened. It would suck. Iapos;m sick of being alone here, and Iapos;m sick of only seeing him on the webcam.

Forgive my complaining, I try not to write entries like this, and I donapos;t often. But I need to vent somewhere. =(

If he comes home this week, I will be ecstatic.

Besides all that, Iapos;m okay. Classes are good, mostly. I have some homework tonight, no big deal really.

My weekend was alright. On Thursday I got five boxes of stuff from home and spent all day unpacking them. That was cool, now I have stuff. On Friday I rode the bus to the mall and back. On Saturday I did pretty much nothing, I got up late, took a nap, read a lot, and IMed Dan. Today I was more productive, I did three loads of laundry which Iapos;ve been needing to do for awhile, and now Iapos;m going to start homework and wait for Dan to get online and (hopefully) tell me when heapos;s coming home.

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