понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


Garrett I broke today. It is so hard because Garrett was the one that made my life worth living again months ago. Before him I had lost so much and he brought so much into my life, so much happiness. It was so sad watching us end the way we did. Heapos;s gonna always have a piece of my heart because i shared so much with him. I still love him which makes it even worse. I dont know if not being him will fix things.... Well here comes what you may not have known, my ex has been texting me, calling me, and even coming to see me, telling me he wanted to be with me again, this is the THIRD time heapos;s done this too and him doing this really put more weight on the problems Garrett and I had already started to have because I started thinking that maybe I should be with Trent, but nope wrong again. He tells everyone else that he had no intentions of us getting back together ever when he fucking told me the complete oppopsite. Iapos;ve cried all day. My eyes are swollen and my face is red. I feel so so so sad. Then i have girls who PRETEND�to be my "friends" talking shit about me. If your reading this and thinking itapos;s about you then it sure as hell is about you. Iapos;m sorry you two have been jealous of me for the years that you have known me because I worked to get what I had but thereapos;s no need for you to fucking talk shit, your a senior, grow the fuck up for once.

Iapos;m really considering Raliegh now. I wanna get the hell out of here, and get out now. Things keep getting worse as every day passes. I�feel like I�have nothing left inside of me. I never wanted to be alone. And here i am completely alone.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

abbotts creek apartment

Being I live in Florida, well, I suppose it was only a matter of time until I came across this problem. Mainly, there are tiny ants crawling all over Keannaapos;s bowl.

This doesnapos;t seem to be a problem so far with Keanna eating--sheapos;s eating as much as she usually does--but I wonder if thereapos;s any sort of special dish I should get, as well as if I should just bite down and call an exterminator (money is tight). Any and all advice is appreciated.

If it helps, I only feed her kibble...she hasnapos;t had wet food in 9 years.
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big little sam star

Hello. Im back. Im in library now. Okay. Nothing else to do but art okay. I think im really behind time. Okay. I guess i must continue to work hard for art. Okay. Having chemistry tomorrow. Okay. I must better memories the fact by tonight. If not im dead. Okay.
and thereapos;s another thing. I must really get some money to buy rainapos;s album. Okay. Thatapos;s all that i wanna say about today.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apple barn restaurant pigeon forge

Fine, fraudulent registrations, whatever. As opposed to, you know, votes. And these are being brought to light because they were submitted, presumably so that they would be verified by the election committee whatevers before actually going into the system for real.

I have one good reason why voter registrations should not be dismissed for having an obviously fictional character name on them.

Some of you may remember this guy, the marine serving overseas? Had his name legally changed to Optimus Prime?

Damn I wish he was the one who caught Saddam.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Wed- morning lesson with susy loo at pp2. Need to make a calender duration of 1 mth. Do drawing too. Afternoon at 5pm, went to work till 10pm.

thur- morning script story telling. Kinda bored lesson. Donno wat happen next week lesson. Heard tat need to do drawing again. Afternoon psp wif muthu... He kinda weird... My flash knowledge back to zero since 2 mths holiday. Dinner at banquet at JP wif kok, choon yee and matt.

fri- moning game design... Play new types of games and we need to make a new board game by the end of the module. Very boring and waste money again. Lunch at Long John BP wif kok, matt, jiamin, ivory, claud and vin. Later go early due to work. At work decided not to work. Meetup kok at compass point starbuck to refresh my flash module. Seriously oran teachs better than muthu. We gonna miss oran...

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elite salon software

Jeff bought this tabletop game called Zombietown for us to play the other day, and it was superfun It would be more fun with more people though, I think. But yeah. We basically conceded that both strategies we chose were effective in this situation. Fly solo for the most part and stock up on ammo/essentials whenever possible + keeping the zombies at bay with firework distactions/barricades [my strategy,] or staying in a big group with lots of survivors [aka: meat shields] and giving everyone guns + setting up barricades where applicable [Jeffapos;s strategy.] The game ended with him winning by one point because he had one more survivor with him or something than I did... But otherwise we would have completely tied. Pretty cooell

Hopefully we can play again on the weekend or somethings :]

I also played WoW with Riley some today, yay That was fun too. He should hurry up and catch up to my warrior >_> <_<
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

birth defects in humans

Last night, Eliot and I watched "Beetlejuice", and when Betelgeuse finds the whorehouse, called "Danteapos;s Inferno Room"�or similar, I�had to explain Dante to Eliot. And then we got into Faust� and Paganini and other talks of the devil.� Real cheerful after-school special stuff.� Anyyway, I�donapos;t exactly believe in God or heaven, so I�therefore donapos;t have a lot of thoughts about Satan or hell or what have you, but sometimes I�find myself saying, "Iapos;d sell my soul for a..." So far, Old Scratch (also variously called, according to an interesting Google search, Mr Bendy, Sir Cloots, Old Gooseberry, and Mr Horny, which make the king of the underworld sound more like a Labrador retriever) has taken me up on my offer, perhaps because my soul is dessicated and worthless.� Or maybe only Catholics or Italians get to make deals with the devil. �I�mean, after all, you donapos;t ever hear about a Polish quasi-Jew being possessed or getting the stigmata, so this could be all genetics. �I am sort of unclear on all that.� But I�know that if I�AM�ever availed of my soul in return for something, it will not happen on the day when I�wish for a swimming pool full of usable $100 bills, the ability to teleport, or a hungry Jeff Goldblum securely tied to the hot water heater in my garage.� It will happen when I�wish, as I very fervently wished this morning, for an everything bagel with a schmear.� Because thatapos;s how my life rolls. �

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